Blindness & Vision Services Committee


  • ​Penny Reeder


  • Diane Colburn
  • Toni March (DORS staff liaison)
  • Debbie Brown
  • Andy McIver
  • Sharon Payne
  • Matt Yannuzzi

Committee Meeting Dates:

All Meetings are on Wednesdays, at 3:00
  • January 31, 2024
  • May 29, 2024
  • August 28, 2024
  • November 20, 2024

Contact the MSRC at​​ or 410-554-9410 if you are interested in attending a meeting or need special accommodations.

Membership Requirements:

The Blindness & Vision Services Committee shall be composed of at least three members of the Council, at least two of whom shall be blind or have a significant vision impairment, and one of whom shall serve as Chairperson of the committee. Ad hoc members with knowledge of the needs of individuals who are blind and vision impaired will be included on the committee. A majority of committee members shall be individuals with significant visual impairments, reflecting the consumers served by DORS Office for Blindness & Vision Services (OBVS). The committee shall have balanced representation of the national blind advocacy organizations and non-affiliated individuals.

Primary Duties:

  1. Assist in development and monitoring of program plans and planning activities of DORS OBVS.

  2. Participate in the DORS policy development and review process as related to blindness and vision services.

  3. Assist in development of the Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment to assure the needs of individuals who are blind and vision impaired are included in the assessment.

  4. Participate in Program Evaluation activities to determine effectiveness and outcomes of DORS OBVS.

  5. Participate in development and review of DORS Priority and Standing Objectives related to OBVS.

  6. Assist in the development and monitoring of the Comprehensive System of Personnel Development regarding staff serving individuals with blindness and vision impairment.

  7. Review and monitor DORS grant for Independent Living Services for Older Individuals who are Blind.

  8. Develop means to assess satisfaction of consumers served by OBVS and review findings.​