What Do We Believe?
The MSRC believes that employment is critical to the quality of citizenship of Marylanders with disabilities.
What is Our Mission?
The role of the Maryland State Rehabilitation Council (MSRC) is to review, analyze and advise on plans, needs assessments, policy issues, reports and consumer satisfaction studies to enhance the quality of and access to vocational rehabilitation services provided by Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) in order to promote the employment, economic self-sufficiency and independence of individuals with disabilities.
Join Us!
Improve the working lives of Marylanders with disabilities by
joining the Maryland State Rehabilitation Council.
Visit Us!
Attend an
MSRC meeting. MSRC meetings are virtual, via Zoom.
Next MSRC Meeting:
May 7, 2025, 4 - 6:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 5169 1859
Passcode: SRC
Contact Us!
QUESTIONS? Contact the MSRC at
src.dors@maryland.gov or 410-554-9410.